Your choice of brewing method will influence taste, as will the freshness, cleanness and taste of your water. We recommend you never boil coffee, never brew for longer than 15 minutes, grind immediately prior to brewing and consume soon after brewing. Our preferred methods of brewing for single cup consumers, and relatively inexpensive methods, are French Press and Pour Over. For larger quantities, look for coffee makers certified by the Specialty Coffee Association of America. They certify coffee makers without internal aluminum components, that the water is the correct temperature when meeting the coffee and that it is heated in glass. We love Technivorm brewers!
Café Femenino©
The Café Femenino© Program aims to utilize coffee as an agent of change for women and communities around the world by:
Requiring the women are paid directly for their coffee.
Requiring that their name be added to the land title.
Requiring that they form a women's group.
Requiring that they meet regularly and have a voice in their cooperative and community.
Requiring that the women are in charge of their coffee production and that they are able to make decisions with the money
We are honored to offer their fantastic coffee and give back to the Café Femenino© Foundation, which funds their project requests as well as our local women's crisis center, First Step, Inc.
*Bali Blue Moon Organic RFA - Full City +
A complex coffee with an exotic and syrupy body with hints of chocolate, vanilla and spice. Medium/Dark Roast.
*Bolivia FTO Colonial Carana - Full City
These coffee farmers are known as “colonials”. During the 1950’s, wealthy and large land owners took over this region. They confiscated the properties from the natives, then enslaved the people by forcing them to work for them. In 1991, through a governmental land reform, the larger landowners were made to relinquish their holdings of these small farms and return the rightful ownership back to the families who had originally owned them. These small farms still surround the parameters of the large landowners, but they are no longer reliant on them for survival. They are independent and have title to their own land. They now have the freedom to search for ways to improve their income, their own lives, and the health of their community.
Slightly spicy, full to heavy bodied, mild acidity, and has good balance. Medium Roast.
*Colombia FTO Café Femenino© - Full City
The participating women are all part of the 1st level Cooperative COSURCA, in the southern state of Cauca. There are about 160 participating women in the Café Femenino program, averaging 3.5 acres each. A good number of these women are single heads of household, but not all, many of have husbands with their own plots of coffee.
Currently the group is working with the Café Femenino Foundation (a grant received through CORDAID) on a two-year plan to develop the integration of women into the structural roles of the cooperative, focusing on leadership development.
Rich body, milk chocolate, nice acidity, clean creamy smooth finish. Medium Roast.
*Costa Rica - Full City
This coffee originates from a small farm called La Amistad. The La Amistad farm is located above 1200 meters near the border between Costa Rica and Panama, in the Talamanca Mountain Range on the border of La Amistad International Park. The farm has been family-run for generations and the family has kept much of the 20,000+ acres as natural forest/conservation area. The estate is also one of the largest private nature reserves in Central America. La Amistad is home to hundreds of wildlife species that inhabit the surrounding rainforest.
The farm is mainly self-sufficient. The fresh and clean streams from the rain forest supply the water for washing the coffee as well as generating power to run the milling machinery on site. The plants and earthworms break down the waste from the animals, cherry pulp, ashes, and leaves to create a rich and organic fertilizer. The word Amistad translates to friendship; La Amistad farm is appropriately named as it is truly a friend to biodiversity.
Mild body, mild acidity, clean finish, lively cup, soft fruit notes, sweet, malt, complex, smooth. Medium Roast.
*Ethiopia Natural Sidamo FTO - City
Known for medium body, delicate fruits, spice, and citrus. If you like tea flavors, this one is for you. Excellent for cold brew. Light Roast.
*Guatemala FTO - Full City +
Coffee grown by women! The aroma is of molasses, walnut, musky, nutty, chocolate. The notes are chocolate, nutty, sweet, lemon and apricot. It is medium bodied with nice acidity. Excellent for Espresso. Medium/Dark Roast.
*Honduras FTO RFA – City +
Light body, med acidity, mild floral, nut, coco, breakfast coffee.
*Mexico Chiapas FTO - Full City +
Mexico FTO Chiapas is recognized for having a medium body, light to medium acidity, sweet, a hint of dark chocolate, balanced. Medium/Dark Roast.
*Sumatra FTO - Full City +
Deep and pungently spicy in the aroma with papaya and chocolate notes. In the cup medium-bodied, richly low-toned, and complexly fruity: papaya and black cherry with a dry chocolate edge. Medium/Dark Roast.
*Uganda Organic RFA UTZ Fully washed Sipi Falls Grain Pro - City +
A unique single origin coffee with a rich full body that has tastes of toffee, caramel and molasses with deep fruit overtones. The coffee is grown on farms located close to the border of Kenya. Medium Roast.
*PERU Decaf - Full City
This coffee is so smooth you wouldn’t know it is decaffeinated! A blend of some of the best coffee growing regions of the world.
“The goal of this mix is to allow the Cascadia to be used as a satisfying drip blend, while also having enough complexity to shine in the espresso machine as well.”
A balance of sweetness and acidity in the mid-notes, a bit of fruity florals at the top end, and full bodied bass notes. Medium Roast.